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9 in 10 US adults support cruelty free medical research

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Our new poll shows most Americans favour law championing non-animal test methods for medical research

Today we released results from our SurveyUSA poll showing that an amazing 88% of Americans support a federal law requiring scientists to use non-animal methods where they are available. 

A bill, which aims to do just that, was introduced to Congress in February this year and has since garnered incredible support. Known as the HEARTS Act (which stands for the Humane and Existing Alternatives in Research and Testing Sciences Act), it would also prioritise government funding for research proposals that develop alternatives to animal tests.

Monica Engebretson, our North America Campaign Manager, said: “The poll affirms that nearly everyone, regardless of political or ideological affiliation, agrees that non-animal tests should be the funding priority for the NIH and that the public supports a legal mandate requiring animal tests to be replaced with humane alternatives whenever they are available”.

The poll also showed that support for animal testing in medical research drops dramatically when the public are better informed about its ineffectiveness. Those who initially thought that animal testing did a “good job” fell from 29% to 14% and the number of people who felt it did a “poor job” rose from 13% to 45% when presented with more detailed information. 

Click here to read our survey findings in more detail.