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Celebrating four years of the EU ban on cruel cosmetics

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Next step – the United Nations!

This weekend we are celebrating four years of the European Union ban on animal tested cosmetics.

Thirty years ago, we had a vision to end cruel cosmetics testing on animals.  We knew that animals shouldn’t have to suffer for products to make us beautiful.  We thought a more beautiful thing would be to create cosmetics that were cruelty free.

For over twenty years we worked tirelessly, convincing others that this was the right way forward.  We built a community of compassionate people, politicians, scientists, companies and other non-profit organisations who agreed. 

It wasn’t easy.  It’s hard to believe now, but we faced fierce opposition from some countries and cosmetics companies.  But eventually, together, we persuaded the whole of the European Union this was the right thing to do.

On 11th March 2013, the EU banned cruel cosmetics forever.

Because of the ban, cosmetics companies and scientists stepped up their efforts to develop humane alternative tests that could be used to check the safety of cosmetics without forcing animals to suffer.  This is science at its best – developing innovative, progressive, humane solutions that are cheaper, more reliable and more effective than the old-fashioned, cruel tests they replace.

Since then, other countries have stepped up and put in place progressive, compassionate new rules.  We’ve helped win bans in countries including India, Israel, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, Switzerland and most recently Guatemala!

But it isn’t enough.  Animals are still suffering in cruel cosmetics tests around the world.  We need to change the world for them – and we need to do it faster.

That’s why we’ve launched our most ambitious campaign ever, calling on the United Nations to ban animal testing for cosmetics everywhere and forever.

We started this.  And now, with your help, we’re going to finish it.

Please share the campaign with your friends on Facebook and on Twitter and help us build a community of compassionate people to change the world for animals.